Simple Overlay Design Method for Thick Asphalt Pavements Based on the Method of Equivalent Thicknesses


  • Zoltán Soós
    Budapest University of Technology and Economics
  • Csaba Tóth
    Budapest University of Technology and Economics


The focus on the construction of new roads will certainly facea shift to the widening, maintenance and strengthening of theexisting roads and pavements. However, the Hungarian standardreferring to asphalt pavement and overlay design is outdatedin many ways, and to efficiently use national resources aproper analytical design must be urgently developed.The paper introduces a method based on the linear elasticmulti-layer theory which is suitable for overlay design ofconsidering the actual condition the existing structure, actualmaterial parameters and various technological possibilities,provided some boundary conditions – primarily true in casesof highways and heavy duty pavements – are met.The method is capable to assess the mechanical propertiesof the existing layers and the overlay, as well as to considerexcess performance achieved by technologies already commonlyused – but neglected in the current design methods –inHungary, such as various remix technologies, special additivesand mixes or innovative structural solutions.In light of the affordable compromise regarding accuracy theproposed method gives a straightforward option for overlaydesign in the everyday practice.


Overlay design, indirect tensile fatigue, equivalent thicknesses

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Published Online


How to Cite

Soós, Z., Tóth Cs. “Simple Overlay Design Method for Thick Asphalt Pavements Based on the Method of Equivalent Thicknesses”, Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering, 61(3), pp. 389–397, 2017.



Research Article