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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it at another journal for consideration.
  • The submission files are a PDF, DOCX or DOC and all figures separately as (JPG/PNG/TIFF/EPS/PDF) file. (Latex is not recommended.)
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • The formatting and style are as in the sample file (in docx and in pdf) and in the MS Word Template.
  • A research article should be limited to 10-14 pages and may contain at most 50 citations in general. The limit of 16 pages applies to review articles, but the citations are more than 100 relevant citations.
  • The illustrations and figures are of high resolution and quality.
  • References closely follow the recommended format (see sample file in docx and pdf).
  • Where available, DOIs or URLs have been provided for the references.
  • Co-authors are aware of the submission, have read and checked the manuscript and have no objections regarding the submission and the order of the authors. Authors declare that there are no other persons who satisfied the criteria for authorship but are not listed.
  • Authors are aware that the paper is not considered unless all authors' affiliations and email addresses are valid and properly specified in the submission web page. Otherwise, the paper is automatically rejected. Authors understand that the Corresponding Author is the sole contact for the editorial process, who is responsible for communicating with the other authors about progress, submissions of revisions and final approval of proofs.
  • No changes can be made to the list of authors after submission, otherwise the paper will be rejected.
  • We provide candidates for three potential reviewers from at least two different countries. Names, email addresses, institutions, and field of speciality are properly typed in the submission metadata.
  • If the submission is not completed within 3 days it will be automatically deleted from the OJS system.

Author Guidelines


Manuscripts are accepted for review on the understanding that a similar work has been neither published nor submitted elsewhere and that all the authors have given their approval for the submission of the paper. The submitting author must provide contact information (full name, email address, ORCID ID, institutional affiliation, and mailing address) for all co-authors. The names must be uploaded in the same form and sequence as they appear on the first page of the manuscript (Note that co-authors are not required to register in the online system). The submitting author takes the responsibility of notifying all co-authors that the manuscript is being submitted. Deletion of an author after the submission requires a confirmation email to the assigned editor from the author whose name is to be deleted.
Manuscripts should be submitted in English through our online system in PDF format and also in Word as a "source file". Uploading the manuscript in Word .doc or .docx file as a "source file" is recommended. Only manuscripts meeting all the formal requirements will be considered for review and possible publication.
Correspondence regarding the peer review, and/or acceptance of papers should be directed to the Editorial Contact.
Correspondence regarding the preparation of the final version, usage of the MS Word Template, copyediting and typesetting of papers should be directed to the Publisher Contact.
If you have general questions concerning the handling of the online OJS system (e.g. registration, login, paper submission), please contact

Here is a MS Word Template and a sample file (in docx and in pdf) for preparing the manuscript, which should be submitted in this style. A research article should be limited to 10-14 pages and may contain at most 50 citations in general. The limit of 16 pages applies to review articles, but the citations are more than 100 relevant citations.
LANGUAGE: Papers must be submitted in English using the American spelling. Expressions in other languages should be translated to English everywhere in the text, equations, figures, and tables.
TITLE: Main words in the title start with a capital letter, articles and conjunctions with lowercase letters.
AUTHORS' names: Please specify the full author name with non-abbreviated first (given) and last (surname) names.
ORCID ID is not shown in the PDF versions of the papers. If the authors provide the ORCID ID, this information is presented on the web page of the paper.
AFFILIATIONS: Contain the name of the company or institute (department, faculty, university) postal address, and email address.
The ABSTRACT should be concise and no longer than 250 words. It should not contain citations.
Give 3–5 KEYWORDS start with lowercase character and are separated by comma.
All SECTIONS are numbered consecutively except for the "Acknowledgement" and "References". Please refer to sections as "Section 1" etc. (not as "Chapter" or “Part”).
TITLES may have at most three hierarchical levels:
1 Title
1.1 Subtitle
1.1.1 Sub-subtitle
Should further levels be necessary, additional title lines must have italic font and no number with no empty line before them.
The TEXT may highlight with italics, rather than underlining.

In the following, all illustrations (pictures, diagrams, photographs) are referred to as figures. Upon acceptance figures should also be uploaded in separate files. File names should be of the form "Fig01.jpg" or "Fig02.eps" etc. Please do not include captions as part of the figures. If your figure has more parts, include the labels "(a)" and "(b)" etc. as part of the artwork. Bitmap images are expected in jpg, png or tiff formats, vector graphics in eps or pdf formats. Please do not create line drawings with the built-in features of Word or Excel as we shall need these drawings in separate files. Please export the drawings in a vector graphics format (PDF/EPS) or in a bitmap image format (JPG/PNG, TIFF) of high resolution. It is essential that the bitmap images have sufficient resolution to allow faithful reproduction (300 dpi or more). To determine the optimum resolution (width × height) for a 300 dpi image, measure the width and height in millimeters, and then multiply those two values by 12. For example, a square image of 80 mm wide, i.e. having the width of a single column, the optimal size is about 1000 × 1000 pixel resolution and should be at least 600 × 600. Please do not increase the resolution by simple upsampling, the text and lines must be sharp and readable. Figures should not have extra white borders and must be properly cropped.
The dimensions of the figures have strict limitations: the maximum width in a column is 83.5 mm and the maximum width for a two-column picture is 174 mm. Keep lettering in a figure resized for the manuscript in a readable but moderate size (ideally equivalent to 8–10 pt).
The definition of the notation (legend) for diagrams should also be sent together with the diagram as an image file. Alternatively, explain the notation in the caption of the figures but without graphic symbols. An example of such explanation is "marked with gray column/triangle/striped area".
Figures are numbered consecutively. Please refer to every figure from the text. When referencing your figures within your paper, use the abbreviation "Fig." even at the beginning of a sentence. Please always write an informative caption that explains the significance of the figure. If the figure contains parts a, b, c, please explain what these labels mean or give sub-titles directly under to the images marked a, b, c.
All figures and tables should be placed on the same page where theirs in-text references are, on the top or on the bottom of the page.
The layout and form of Schemes are identical to those of specified for figures. They should be separate high resolution image files. Scheme title is expected below the scheme, centered, and without abbreviation (e.g. "Scheme 1").

Algorithms are supposed to have the form of a table. The title of the Algorithm is in the first row of the table, aligned left. If necessary, it may contain vertical lines or simple arrows but not complex drawings. Schemes and Algorithms should be explicitly referred in the text: (e.g.: Scheme 10, Algorithm 10).

Tables cannot be images. Tables are to be referred as "Table 1" etc. in the text, do not write "the table above" or "the table below". Tables get consecutive numbers similarly to figures. Please refer every table explicitly in the text. Please always write an informative caption that explains the significance of the table. The table caption is centered above the table.

Use the Equation Editor or MathType (Math Equations Editor | MathType (, and never insert an equation as an image or a text. Number equations consecutively with equation numbers in parentheses flushed to the right margin. Use the tab to position the formula and the equation number. Punctuate equations when they are part of a sentence. Refer to equations as "Eq. (1)", but not as "equation (1)" or as "(1)", except at the beginning of a sentence, e.g. "Equation (1) is ...". When referring to mathematical/physical/chemical expressions, the Eq. term is used, this is a general term applicable not only to equations but also for inequalities, constraints, etc.
Whenever possible, inline mathematics should also be typed with the equation editor. Be sure that the symbols in your equation have been defined before the equation appears or immediately following.

Symbols and Character Formats

  • Italicize symbols but not units of measure (variable T might refer to temperature, but T is the unit tesla).
  • Lowercase Greek letters are italic (ω), uppercase Greek letters (Ω) are regular.
  • Texts (if, then and, or etc.) and acronyms (DG etc.) are not slanted in equations.
  • Lowercase abbreviations are slanted even in subscripts.
  • Mathematical functions (min, max, sin, cos), dimensionless numbers (e.g..: Re – Reynolds number), and chemical symbols (H2O) are not slanted.
  • Vectors are in italic and bold fonts, but the components of vectors are only italic.

Appendix, Supplement and Nomenclature
Appendix is placed after the References. Appendices are denoted as Appendix A, Appendix B, etc. Numbering of tables, figures, algorithms, schemes, and equations starts from 1 and is distinguished with letter A, B, C ... etc.
For example:
Fig. A1 (first figure in Appendix A), Table B2 (second table in Appendix B), Algorithm C3 (third algorithm in Appendix C), Scheme D4 (fourth scheme in Appendix D), Eq. (E5) (fifth equation in Appendix E).
Supplement in a separate file can also be published on-line. Numbering in the supplement starts from 1 and is distinguished with letter S: Fig. S1, Table S1, Eq. (S1).
Nomenclature is between the last section and References.

Authors take the full responsibility for the accuracy of their references. Please add the DOI number of a full-text version if it exists. The DOI of journal papers can be found in page (you need to register first). DOIs must be given for conference papers too. Insert DOI as active link in the following format (example):[DOI].
Each citation in the text is included in the reference list. Each item of the reference list is cited in the text.
All publications cited in the text should be referred to by a number in square brackets (e.g. [1]). The references are arranged in the order of citations, in the list of References. Note that only one reference belongs to one number. The in-text citation style is as follows: For parenthetical citations we enclose the number of the reference, thus: [1]. Sequential parenthetical citations are enclosed in square brackets and separated by commas, thus [1, 2] or [3–5]. In sentences, refer simply to the reference number, as in [3]. Do not use "Ref. [3]" or "reference [3]". At the beginning of a sentence use the author names instead of "Reference [3]", e.g. "Smith and Smith [3] show ...".
Do not create "Cross-references" in your Word file.
In the list of references author names are expected in the "Family, C." format where "C" is the initial of the first name. Do not use "and" or "et al.", give the names of each author (Smith, A. D., Small, B., Big, C.). Provide the complete title of publication (title of paper, book, book chapter, standard, patent). Do not abbreviate journal or conference names, e.g. write "Transactions on Medical Imaging" instead of "Trans Med Imaging".

Sample Reference List

Download the FULL Sample Reference List in docx or in PDF.

Journal article
Author, A. B., Author, C., Author, D. E. "Title of article", Complete Title of the Journal, Volume(Number), pp. xxx–xxx*, Year.[DOI]**
* In case of lack of pagination, add any other article identifiers, e.g., Article number, Article ID, etc., (for example: Engineering Journal, 15(2), 12067, 2018.)
** In case the article does not have DOI, add: “[online] Available at: URL [Accessed: Day Month Year]” with a valid link.

Book and e-Book
Author, A. B. "Title of book",* Publisher, Year. ISBN[DOI]
* In case of e-books add: [e-book] after the title.

Chapter of book
Author, A. B. "Title of chapter", In: *Title of the Book, Publisher, Year, pp. xxx–xxx. ISBN[DOI]
* In case of edited books add: Editor, A. B., Editor, C. D.  (ed.) or (eds.) before the title of the book.

Conference proceeding (published)
Author, A. B. "Title of paper", In: Title of the Conference Proceedings, City of Conference, Country of Conference, Year, pp. xxx–xxx. ISBN[DOI]

Authorship or Source "Title of web document or webpage", [online] Available at: URL [Accessed: Day Month Year]

Report / Working paper / Technical paper
Author, A. B. "Title of report", Name of the Corporation, City of the Corporation, Country, Documentum identifier (e.g., Rep. XXX), Year.

Corporate author "Identifying letters and numbers and full title of the standard", Publisher, Place of publication, Year.

Author, A. B. "Title of dissertation", Level (PhD/MSc), Official name of the University, Year.[DOI]


If revisions of the original manuscript are required, authors will have a maximum of 2 weeks (from receipt of the referees comments) to revise and re-submit their paper. For the submission of the revised article, you should send a text file containing the revised text where the changes are highlighted and a response to the reviewers' comments in Word or
PDF file.

Final Version After Acceptance
For the submission of the final version, you should upload the article text in docx format prepared with our template and also in pdf, and a separate image files of each figure. The preferred formats for pictures are jpg (moderate compression!), tif, png, maybe pdf. Do not convert your vector graphics into raster format, just submit the original in a separate file.
We will check all figure and bibliography requirements and let typesetting start only when all of them are met. The precise preparation of your final version speeds up the publication of your paper.
Proof in PDF format can be downloaded from the Open Journal System (OJS) after the notification is sent to the corresponding author via e-mail. The proofs should be returned within 3 workdays of receipt. Corrections should be restricted to minor corrections (like typesetting errors, etc.). Extensive or important changes on page proofs, including changes to the list of authors, authors' affiliation or major changes to the title, are subject to editorial review. Please upload an annotated PDF or scan the corrected pages of the proofs.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site for author correspondence only will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.