BOOK REVIEWS. László Erdey, László Mázor: Handbook for Analysts, Fundamentals. L. Erdey, G. Svehla: Ascorbinometric Titrations. Klára Erőss Kiss: Application of infrared spectroscopy in analytical chemistry. Irene Strube: Justus von Liebig.
How to Cite
Szabadváry, F., Szőkefalvi-Nagy, Z. “BOOK REVIEWS. László Erdey, László Mázor: Handbook for Analysts, Fundamentals. L. Erdey, G. Svehla: Ascorbinometric Titrations. Klára Erőss Kiss: Application of infrared spectroscopy in analytical chemistry. Irene Strube: Justus von Liebig”., Periodica Polytechnica Chemical Engineering, 18(4), pp. 337–339, 1974.