МОЛЕКУ ЛЯРНО-ДИНАМИЧЕСКОЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЕ ПЛОТНЫХ СИСТЕМ ПРИ НАЛИЧИИ СТОХАСТИЗИРУЮЩЕГО ФОНА . Molekulârno-dinamičeskoe issledovanie plotnyh sistem pri naličin stohastiziruůşego fona


  • Mihail Mihajlovič Koncov,


Molecular-dynamic invеstigаtiоп of dense systems in the presence of а stochastic background. - Тhе method of molecular dynamics is widely used now to investigate different tasks of the physics of liquid state. Тhе principle of the method is based оn numerical solving of the set of Newton equations. But it is well known that these equations are reversibIe in time. То eliminate the contradictions between microscopic reversibility and macroscopic irreversibility а set of equations with random forces is used.

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How to Cite

Koncov, M. M. “МОЛЕКУ ЛЯРНО-ДИНАМИЧЕСКОЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЕ ПЛОТНЫХ СИСТЕМ ПРИ НАЛИЧИИ СТОХАСТИЗИРУЮЩЕГО ФОНА Molekulârno-dinamičeskoe issledovanie plotnyh sistem pri naličin stohastiziruůşego fona”, Periodica Polytechnica Chemical Engineering, 29(1), pp. 27–38, 1985.


