АПРИОРНАЯ ИНФОРМАЦИЯ И ОПРЕДЕЛЕНИЕ ПАРАМЕТРОВ МИКРОСТРУКТУРЫ ПОЛИКРИСТАЛЛОВ ПРИ АНАЛИЗЕ РАСШИРЕННОГО РЕНТГЕНОДИФРАКЦИОННОГО ПРОФИЛЯ. Apriornaâ informaciâ i opredelenie parametrov mikrostruktury polikristallov pri analize rasširennogo rentgenodifrakcionnogo profilâ


  • Vasilij A. Trubin


Distributions measured in X-ray diffraction experiments are often distorted or transformed by limited acceptance and finite resolution of the detectors. The unfolding of measured distributions is an important but due to inherent instabilities a very difficult problem. Methods for unfolding, applicable for the analysis of X-ray diffraction line profile, their properties, a-priori information and accuracy are discussed. Acceptable unfolding results were obtained by regularization methods which suppressed the spurious oscillatory components in the solution. Regularization can be interpreted as the use of certain a-priori information on the degree of smoothness of the true solution.

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How to Cite

Trubin, V. A. “АПРИОРНАЯ ИНФОРМАЦИЯ И ОПРЕДЕЛЕНИЕ ПАРАМЕТРОВ МИКРОСТРУКТУРЫ ПОЛИКРИСТАЛЛОВ ПРИ АНАЛИЗЕ РАСШИРЕННОГО РЕНТГЕНОДИФРАКЦИОННОГО ПРОФИЛЯ. Apriornaâ informaciâ i opredelenie parametrov mikrostruktury polikristallov pri analize rasširennogo rentgenodifrakcionnogo profilâ ”, Periodica Polytechnica Chemical Engineering, 33(2), pp. 149–164, 1989.


