Adsorption of Sodium Hexadecyl Sulfate and Triton X from Binary Aqueous Solutions at Thermally Graphitized Carbon Black


  • Olga Kochkodan
    Department of General, Organic and Physical Chemistry, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Geroiv Oborony Str. 15, 03041 Kyiv, Ukraine
  • Victor Maksin
    Department of Analytical and Bioinorganic Chemistry and Water Quality, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Geroiv Oborony Str. 15, 03041 Kyiv, Ukraine
  • Tetyana Semenenko
    Department of General, Organic and Physical Chemistry, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Geroiv Oborony Str. 15, 03041 Kyiv, Ukraine


Adsorption of anionic sodium hexadecyl sulfate (SHS) and nonionic Triton X surfactants with different ethoxylation degree: TX-45, TX-100 and TX-300 from their individual and mixed aqueous solutions at the surface of thermally graphitized carbon black (CB) was studied. It was found that at low solution concentrations addition of the nonionic surfactant increases the amount of SHS adsorbed from SHS/Triton X mixtures compared to SHS amount adsorbed from its individual solution. These findings might be explained by decreasing in electrostatic repulsion between SHS ions due to inclusion of the molecules of the nonionic surfactant in the mixed adsorption layer. At higher solution concentrations, adsorption of SHS decrease as a result of displacement of SHS ions from the mixed adsorption layer by Triton X molecules. It was established that the composition of the mixed adsorption layer at CB surface notably differ from the composition of the surfactant mixture in the bulk solution. The mixed adsorption layer is enriched with the molecules of the nonionic surfactants and this conclusion is confirmed by the results of measuring zeta potential of CB particles with the adsorbed surfactants.


mixed adsorption layer, graphitized carbon black, sodium hexadecyl sulfate, Triton X

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How to Cite

Kochkodan, O., Maksin, V., Semenenko, T. “Adsorption of Sodium Hexadecyl Sulfate and Triton X from Binary Aqueous Solutions at Thermally Graphitized Carbon Black”, Periodica Polytechnica Chemical Engineering, 65(1), pp. 72–79, 2021.


